Site map


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Interactive site map


About Epilepsy

Brain Activity

Neural Networks

World views of epilepsy

Stigma and social consequences

Action - Campaigns and Politics
Vaccine Damaged Children
by John Johnson
Out of the shadows-World Health Authority

Flash plug in required


A multi media section containing information on The Complexity of the brain and Electrical and chemical signalling.
Professor Susan Greenfield reads from her book, " The Human Brain". Sound and interactive animations by Christine Robertson.

Shockwave plugin required-

Text only click here


Neural Networks contains information on what happens to electrical signals in the brain during a seizure.

Professor Rodney Cotterill, scientist reads from his book " Enchanted Looms"

Contributors talk about epilepsy in their own words.

Flash plug-in required

Personal Experiences

What to do


Individual accounts of living with epilepsy

Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nathan Bone
Jenni Meredith
Edward Lear
Richard Haynes
Vincent Van Gogh
Amanda Rapley Redfern

Flash plug in required






Would you know what to do if someone had a seizure?

Get armed with the first aid details to enable you to deal with a person having a seizure

No plug-in required


About us

Contact charge

Movies on the site
(Realplayer required)

Information about Charge.

Links and credits to contributors to this project

No plug-in required

Get in touch with Charge. Your opinions and views are welcomed


No plug-in required

Movies on the site

The Strangest One I ever had
by Christine Robertson
56k modem

ISDN connection

Epilepsy -
Jenni Meredith

56k modem
ISDN connection

Real Player required


  1. top

About Epilepsy

Brain Activity

Personal Experiences

World views of epilepsy

Stigma and social consequences

Action - Campaigns and Politics
Vaccine Damaged Children
by John Johnson
Out of the shadows-World Health Authority



Brain Activity contains information on The Complexity of the brain and Electrical and chemical signalling.

Professor Susan Greenfield reads from her book, " The Human Brain".


Individual accounts of living with epilepsy

Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nathan Bone
Jenni Meredith
Edward Lear
Richard Haynes
Vincent Van Gogh
Amanda Rapley Redfern

About us

Movies on the site (Realplayer required)

What to do


Information about Charge.

Links and credits to contributors to this project



Movies on the site

The Strangest One I ever had
by Christine Robertson
56k modem

ISDN connection

Epilepsy -
Jenni Meredith

56k modem
ISDN connection

Real Player required


Would you know what to do if someone had a seizure?

Get armed with the first aid details to enable you to deal with a person having a seizure


Contact charge

Get in touch with Charge. Your opinions and views are welcomed


No plug-in required
